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But when DR.Liang and I arrived in Wuhan 2 nights ago, it was a very different place. This city of skyscrapers and giant auto routes, and gorgeous hyper modern train stations, was silent. It was a ghost town. And behind every window of these skyscrapers that we drove past, there were people. The 15 million people were staying put in one place for weeks at a time to stop this disease.
And as we spoke to the people we were working with in Wuhan, they said, this is our duty. We have to protect the world from this disease. This is our role. We are playing our role. But I just thought it so important that we recognize that the people of Wuhan. It is recognized that the world’s in your debt. And when this disease finishes, hopefully we’ll have the chance to thank the people of Wuhan, for the role that they played.
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