In the movie of Ardor, she starred as a housewife, who was heartbroken due to her husband"s infidelity. She had an affair with a doctor and fell in love with him. Kim"s passionate and excellent performances in the movie won her best actress at the 2002 Blue Dragon Film Awards.
1. 全度妍(Jeon Do-yeon)

全度妍(Jeon Do-yeon) 全道嬿
。 毕业于首尔艺术大学放送演艺学系、高丽大学言论大学院硕士,1990年拍摄广告出道,早期主要拍摄电视剧。1997年首次演出电影《伤心街角恋人》。2007年凭李沧东执导的《密阳》夺得第60届戛纳影展最佳女演员及多个电影颁奖礼女主角奖项。2014年出任第67届戛纳影展主竞赛评委,为韩国演员第一人。