歌手活动时拥有极高的人气的严正花是一位在电视和电影的舞台上同时获得成功的万能艺人,作为歌手的她性感诱人,作为演员的她则可爱宜人。 她追求大胆新奇的服装演示,在每张唱片发行时都以崭新的形象出现,并在《周末同床》《奥罗拉公主》等片以全裸的冲击性画面,瞬间成为了韩国性感明星的代表人物。
5. 徐情(Seo Jeong)

Seo Jeong

Born in 1975, Seo Jeong is one of the most famous actresses in South Korea. She hasn"t starred in many films and TV shows in recent years. However, every one of her films is excellent, including The Isle, Green Chair and Yellow Flower. Whether she is playing a mute or a porced woman, she has a great ability to capture human emotion. In the movie Green Chair, she played a 32-year-old porced woman who fell in love a 19-year-old high school student, and performed in several sex scenes in the film.