After the movie was released she became seriously depressed, and on February 22, 2005 she killed herself in her apartment.
2. 金允珍(Yunjin Kim)

金允珍(Yunjin Kim) 金仑珍
,1973年11月7日-),韩裔美籍女演员,1983年移民美国,毕业于波士顿大学公演艺术学系,大学时至英国留学(英美戏剧学会British American drama academy),演出1999年韩国卖座电影《生死谍变》而于韩国窜红,及后更在ABC电视台影集《Lost档案》中演出。其名字常被音译成金允珍
。 金允珍出生首尔,10岁时移民到美国,毕业于纽约艺术学校,并在英国戏剧学院和美国波士顿大学专攻表演专业。此后她曾经活跃于美国的话剧舞台,1997年左右因为渴望在祖国得到认可而回到韩国,拍摄了多部电视剧和电影。 当年《生死谍变》中那个北韩女特工金允珍,给观众留下深刻印象。没想到日后她出演了《密爱》,也是出演豪放床戏,获得影后。还有《六月日记》里,她也有裸露。金小姐长得漂亮,身材也丰满,绝对乃难得的情色片女演员。 Born in 1973, Yunjin Kim is Korean American actress. Born in Seoul, she moved to the U.S. with her family when she was 10 years old. She starred in a series of popular TV series and films such as American television series Lost, Ardor and Shiri.