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The magazine has put Buffett on its cover ("Buffett"s Electric Car") along with the BYD E6, for a major story on Berkshire Hathaway"s investment last fall in the Chinese company that is working to challenge the world"s biggest automakers in the electric car arena. The cover asks, "If the Oracle"s plugging in, shouldn"t you?"
In the article by Marc Gunther, we learn that the idea of investing $230 million for 10 percent of the "obscure Chinese battery, mobile phone, and electric car company" first came from Buffett"s partner Charlie Munger.
Munger had met BYD"s driving force, Wang Chuan-Fu, through a mutual friend, and was uncharacteristically enthusiastic. Munger describes Wang to Fortune: "This guy is a combination of Thomas Edison and (former General Electric Chairman) Jack Welch - something like Edison in solving technical problems, and something like Welch in getting done what he needs to do.
十大国产汽车品牌,比亚迪上榜,第一是中国领先汽车制造商比亚迪最贵的十款车 比亚迪e6第一,比亚迪宋EV上榜比亚迪车被禁入富士康的深读
《财富》杂志深度分析冰岛濒临破产原因比尔盖茨和巴菲特的成功秘诀迪丽热巴电视剧介绍 迪丽热巴演过的电视剧盘点!?
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