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2017年暑假作业答案汇总 2017年各年级暑假作业答案

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1.What"s, weight of 2.couldn"t see anything 3,Each of , has 4. Don"t take 5. Which book 6. How long 7. Differen"t from 8. What did, do 9. What a tall building it is !./ How tall the building is !
10 I was excited to see so many amazing things.
11 Is it necessary to walk the dog once a day?
1.Look! How happily the children are playing!
2.Thank you for recommending such an interesting film to me.
3.It"s bad for your health to go to school without having breakfast.
4.Do you know what happened to him last week?
5.The teacher told the children to keep away frem danger.
八. 作文
Dear Mr. Wu ,
I would like to recommend Sandy for this year"s Best Animal Lover Award.
Sandy is a kind and helpful student. She often helps others.
Sandy also likes animals very much. She often reads articles about animals and watches TV programmes about them She is amember of the school Animal Lover Club. She does a lot of work for the club.
One day, Sandy took a homeless dog to her home. She gave the dog something nice to eat. She brushed its fur to make it clean. Then , she took the dog for a walk in the park.
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