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I want him to meet his maker
I used to be a lover, now I'm a hater
My passion to succeed is watching him bleed
Oh lord, what have become of me?
Once upon a time, I was a fool
To cool for school, gangster cruel
Blood in, blood out, pull the trigger, no doubt
Lucky ************, you don't know what I'd do to you
I used to kick it with Lucifer
And he still lingers in the dark
Oh, oh Lucifer
You better watch out
The evil within has never been greater
My soul has been seized and he's the dictator
I've been dragged through the mud
I can still taste the blood
Oh lord, what have become of me?
Once upon a time, I was a fool
To cool for school, gangster cruel
Blood in, blood out, pull the trigger, no doubt
Lucky ************, you don't know what I'd do to you
I used to kick it with Lucifer
And he still lingers in the dark
Oh, oh Lucifer
You better watch out
上一篇:五四青年寄语读后感下一篇:有你才有家剧情介绍 电视剧有你才有家内容简介
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