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Standing beside you
Wishing you'd always be close to me
And how can I tell you
Every night I see you in my dream
Believe me, don't leave me
I would never let you go
Why, why do this have to be a fantasy
Let's make our love become reality
Oh how I pray for that day to come
When we'll be joined together close as one
Together close as one
I feel the passion
Burning deep inside my soul
And you're the solution
I know you'd catch me if I fall
Believe me, don't leave me
I would never let you go
Why, why do this have to be a fantasy
Let's make our love become reality
Oh how I pray for that day to come
When we'll be joined together close as one
Together close as one
Together close as one
Together close as one
Together close as one
Believe me, don't leave me
I would never let you go
Why, why do this have to be a fantasy
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